After the jump is a script which can be used to do OBIEE 11g RPD deployments. This script assumes you have setup ssh keys on the various servers so you can login without typing a password (
At a high level, the script will:
- Apply a custom UDML file to your RPD.
- See previous post on how/why to create UDML.
- Remotely connect to the destination, and SCP the RPD file.
- Clean up the destination repository directory to archive all but the last three RPD files
- This is important, as each deployment creates a new RPD (numbering from 001, 002, 003, etc). The directory can fill up quickly with lots of deployments.
- Call WLST with a custom python script to:
- Perform a lock
- Deploy the RPD
- Commit the changes
- Restart the BI server
Click me to view
#!/bin/bash ###### # # Created by Ben Mackin ( # # This script will deploy an RPD ###### set -o pipefail checkStatus () { if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then if [ "${3-zz}" != "zz" ]; then exec $3 fi echo -e "\n`date +[%H:%M:%S]` ###### FAILED ######\n\n" | tee -a $LOGFILE echo "The deployment failed: $2" | mutt -a $LOGFILE -s "$SUBJECT - FAILED" $EMAIL exit 1 fi logOutput "Success\n" return 0 } logOutput () { echo -e "`date +[%H:%M:%S]` - ${SERVERHOST} ## $1" | tee -a $LOGFILE return 0 } # If there are less than 2 parameters, then show help and exit if [ $# -lt 4 ]; then echo -e "\nUsage: -h host -u user [-n -a]\n\t-h\tWeblogic host you are migrating to.\n\t-u\tUsername of admin Weblogic user.\n\t-n\tTurn off logging at the RPD level\n\t-a\tChange the RPD password to match the destination weblogic password.\n" exit -1 fi set -o pipefail while getopts "h:u:na" opt; do case $opt in h) SERVERHOST=${OPTARG} ;; u) WEBLOGIC_USER=${OPTARG} ;; n) NOLOG=1 ;; a) CHANGERPDPASS=1 ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" | tee -a $LOGFILE; exit ;; :) echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." | tee -a $LOGFILE; exit ;; esac done # We stored the weblogic password on the destination server for some other scripts, so just go grab it. # Otherwise, you will want to replace this with your weblogic password WEBLOGIC_PASS=`ssh ${SERVERHOST} 'tail -n 1 ${FMWHOME}/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/servers/AdminServer/security/'` ADMINPWD=Admin123 # change this to the admin password of the 11g RPD file SUPPORT_LOC=~/support # folder for support scripts SVN_LOC=~/svnget # change this to the path of where the RPD to deploy is UDML_LOC=~/udml/${SERVERHOST}.udml # change this to the path of the udml scripts RPD_NAME=EnterpriseBusinessAnalytics7963.rpd # change this to the name of the RPD file LOGFILE=~/logs/${SERVERHOST}_rpddeploy_$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S).log FMWHOME=/apps/applobi/OBIEE11g # change this to the fusion middleware home DEPLOY_DIR=${FMWHOME}/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository SUBJECT="OBIEE RPD Deployment on $SERVERHOST - `date +%m/%d/%Y` @ `date +%H:%M:%S`" logOutput "Doing RPD deployment to $SERVERHOST\n" ## # Apply the appropriate UDML to the RPD from SVN ## # Check for lock file. Two nqudmlexec can't process the same .rpd, or the command locks up. # If there is a lock file, wait 2 seconds and check again. Otherwise, process away! while [ -f "$SVN_LOC/lockfile" ] do sleep `expr $RANDOM % 10` done touch $SVN_LOC/lockfile # Source the bi-init which sets up the environment variables for OBIEE commands . ${FMWHOME}/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIApplication/coreapplication/setup/ logOutput "Apply the UDML to the file from SVN\n" # Apply a custom UDML which set the LOGLEVEL variable to 0 to disable logging if [ ${NOLOG-0} -eq 1 ]; then logOutput "Apply the NOLOG option to the UDML and RPD\n" cat $UDML_LOC ~/bmackin/udml/NOLOG.udml > /tmp/${SERVERHOST}_COMBINE.udml ${FMWHOME}/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/server/bin/nqudmlexec -P $ADMINPWD -I /tmp/${SERVERHOST}_COMBINE.udml -B $SVN_LOC/$RPD_NAME -O $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE checkStatus "$?" "The deployment failed: -P $ADMINPWD -I /tmp/${SERVERHOST}_COMBINE.udml -B $SVN_LOC/$RPD_NAME -O $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$" "rm $SVN_LOC/lockfile" rm /tmp/${SERVERHOST}_COMBINE.udml else ${FMWHOME}/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/server/bin/nqudmlexec -P $ADMINPWD -I $UDML_LOC -B $SVN_LOC/$RPD_NAME -O $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE checkStatus "$?" "The deployment failed: -P $ADMINPWD -I $UDML_LOC -B $SVN_LOC/$RPD_NAME -O $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$" "rm $SVN_LOC/lockfile" fi # Cleanup the temp files which the nqudmlexec command generates rm $SVN_LOC/lockfile rm $SVN_LOC/*.Log rm -rf ${FMWHOME}/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/$SERVERHOST # Check if the change password parameter was set if [ ${CHANGERPDPASS-0} -eq 1 ]; then OLDADMINPWD=$ADMINPWD ADMINPWD=$WEBLOGIC_PASS # We are just setting the RPD password to the weblogic password logOutput "Change the RPD password for $SERVERHOST.\n" echo -e "${OLDADMINPWD}\n${ADMINPWD}" | ${FMWHOME}/Oracle_BI1/bifoundation/server/bin/obieerpdpwdchg -I $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ -O $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$RPD_NAME.new2 checkStatus "$?" "The deployment failed: obieerpdpwdchg -I $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ -O $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$RPD_NAME.new2" rm $SVN_LOC/*.Log rm $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ mv $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$RPD_NAME.new2 $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ fi #SSH to remote machine, clean up old files, deploy the newly gotten file. logOutput "Clear out the .Log and .Sav files on $SERVERHOST\n" ssh $SERVERHOST "rm '$DEPLOY_DIR'/*.Log" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE ssh $SERVERHOST "rm '$DEPLOY_DIR'/*.Sav" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE ssh $SERVERHOST "mkdir $DEPLOY_DIR/archive" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE logOutput "Success\n" # Each RPD deployment creates a new numbered file. Move all but the last 3 to the archive folder logOutput "Save only the last 3 rpd file, move everything else to the archive folder\n" ssh $SERVERHOST 'bash -s' < $SUPPORT_LOC/ 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE logOutput "Success\n" # Move the RPD to the deployment directory logOutput "Move the file to the deployment directory\n" scp $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ $SERVERHOST:$DEPLOY_DIR/$RPD_NAME 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE checkStatus "$?" "The deployment failed: scp $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ $SERVERHOST:$DEPLOY_DIR/$RPD_NAME" # Cleanup the temp files rm $SVN_LOC/${SERVERHOST}_$ # Run WLST with the custom deployment script logOutput "Do weblogic scripting to deploy the file\n" ${FMWHOME}/Oracle_BI1/common/bin/ $SUPPORT_LOC/ -u $WEBLOGIC_USER -p $WEBLOGIC_PASS -h $SERVERHOST -o 7001 -r $ADMINPWD | tee -a $LOGFILE checkStatus "$?" "The deployment failed: $SUPPORT_LOC/ -u $WEBLOGIC_USER -p $WEBLOGIC_PASS -h $SERVERHOST -o 7001 -r $ADMINPWD" # Remove the pre-deployed file from the remove server logOutput "Remove the pre-deployed file\n" ssh $SERVERHOST "rm '$DEPLOY_DIR'/'$RPD_NAME'" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE logOutput "Success\n" # Clear the OBIEE cache on the remove server logOutput "Clear the remote OBIEE cache\n" ssh $SERVERHOST "cd $SUPPORT_LOC/..; ./" 2>&1 | tee -a $LOGFILE echo -e "\n`date +[%H:%M:%S]` - ${SERVERHOST} ## Deployment to $SERVERHOST was successfull." > ${SERVERHOST}_obi_status.tmp ssh $SERVERHOST '${FMWHOME}/instances/instance1/bin/opmnctl status' >> ${SERVERHOST}_obi_status.tmp cat ${SERVERHOST}_obi_status.tmp | tee -a $LOGFILE cat ${SERVERHOST}_obi_status.tmp | mutt -a $LOGFILE -s "$SUBJECT - SUCCESSFULL" $EMAIL rm ${SERVERHOST}_obi_status.tmp
Click me to view the file
import sys import os from java.lang import System import getopt def usage(): print "Usage:" print "genWlstDeployRPD -u user -p password -h host -o port -r adminpwd" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "u:p:h:o:r:", ["user=", "password=", "host=", "port=", "adminpwd="]) except getopt.GetoptError, err: print str(err) usage() sys.exit(2) user = '' password = '' host = '' port = '' adminpwd = '' for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-u": user = arg elif opt == "-p": password = arg elif opt == "-h": host = arg elif opt == "-o": port = arg elif opt == "-r": adminpwd = arg if user == "": print "Missing \"-u user\" parameter." usage() sys.exit(2) elif password == "": print "Missing \"-p password\" parameter." usage() sys.exit(2) elif host == "": print "Missing \"-h host\" parameter." usage() sys.exit(2) elif port == "": print "Missing \"-o port\" parameter." usage() sys.exit(2) elif adminpwd == "": print "Missing \"-r adminpwd\" parameter." usage() sys.exit(2) connect(user, password, host+":"+port) # Be sure we are in the root cd('..\..') print(host + ': Connecting to Domain ...') try: domainCustom() except: print(host + ': Already in domainCustom') print(host + ': Go to biee admin domain') cd('oracle.biee.admin') # go to the server configuration print host + ': Go to BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration MBean' cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration,biInstance=coreapplication,group=Service') # Lock the System print(host + ': Calling lock ...') cd('..') cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object) strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String) try: invoke('lock', objs, strs) except: print(host + ': System already locked') cd('..') # go to the server configuration cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain.BIInstance.ServerConfiguration,biInstance=coreapplication,group=Service') print(host + ': Uploading RPD') params = jarray.array(['/apps/applobi/OBIEE11g/instances/instance1/bifoundation/OracleBIServerComponent/coreapplication_obis1/repository/AJ_EnterpriseBusinessAnalytics7963.rpd',adminpwd],java.lang.Object) sign = jarray.array(['java.lang.String', 'java.lang.String'],java.lang.String) invoke( 'uploadRepository', params, sign) # Commit the system print(host + ': Commiting Changes') cd('..') cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain,group=Service') objs = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object) strs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String) try: invoke('commit', objs, strs) except: print(host + ': System not locked') # Restart the system print(host + ': Restarting OBIEE processes') cd('..\..') cd('oracle.biee.admin') cd('oracle.biee.admin:type=BIDomain.BIInstance,biInstance=coreapplication,group=Service') print(host + ': Stopping the BI instance') params = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object) signs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String) invoke('stop', params, signs) BIServiceStatus = get('ServiceStatus') print(host + ': BI ServiceStatus ' + BIServiceStatus) print(host + ': Starting the BI instance') params = jarray.array([], java.lang.Object) signs = jarray.array([], java.lang.String) invoke('start', params, signs) BIServerStatus = get('ServiceStatus') print(host + ': BI ServerStatus ' + BIServerStatus)
Hi Ben nice blog but How to deploy RPD in windows environment