Showing posts with label admin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label admin. Show all posts

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Fix "Configuration Error" on 64-bit OBIEE Client Tools

Ever since upgrading to, I was unable to use the 64bit version of the newly installed client tools. The program would always error out on launch. Oddly enough, if I installed the 32bit version, things would work *mostly* fine, well at least no errors on start-up. But then I had to update the 32bit ODBC entries, and it overall was just a hassle to manage.

So I did a little digging, and found that because it installs into Program Files, it creates it's own bi_init.bat file, which sets up it's own ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_INSTANCE, etc.

And guess what, this doesn't work!

Continue on to read what I did to change both the bi_init.bat and adjust some of my environment variables.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Quickly open OBIEE Admin Client in Online Mode

Something I have found myself doing quite often is checking who is connected in OBIEE prior to doing a deployment. The quickest/easiest means I have found is to fire up the Admin Client, and look at the sessions. This allows me to know if I need to notify anyone (and who), prior to taking down the server.

What was always a pain was to go through the multiple steps to open the client, choose Open in Online mode, and select my connection, across multiple environments. Luckily this can be scripted!

Continue on to read the steps to quickly script opening the Admin Client directly in Online mode.