Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Scripted OBIEE 11g Web Catalog deployments using runcat.sh and WLST

I had never looked deeply into automating the OBIEE Web Catalog, as on previous engagements I had a technical architecture team which handled all deployments. They were used to doing a manual process utilizing the Catalog Manager. On my latest engagement, I am the technical architecture team, and I like automation.

After poking around, I found that you can call the catalog manager form the command line, and along with WLST scripting, you can do a fully automated web catalog deployment.

After the jump is a script which can be used to do OBIEE 11g web catalog deployments. This script assumes you have setup ssh keys on the various servers so you can login without typing a password (http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html).

At a high level, the script will
  • Perform either a full deployment or an incremental deployment
  • Remotely connects to the destination, and SCPs the web catalog
  • When doing an incremental deployment
    • it skips all user folders (and any other folders you specify)
    • it creates a diff of the new catalog and the currently deployed catalog
    • it creates a patch file based on the diff
    • it applies the patch to the currently deployed catalog
  • When doing a full deployment
    • Call WLST with a custom script to lock, update the web catalog path, commit the changes, and restart the BI server
  • Performs a resync of user GUIDs after the deployment
Click me to view deployWebCat.sh

Click me to view wlstDeployCatalog.py

Click me to view resyncUserGUIDs.sh


  1. Hey hi,

    I'm currently working on Webcat's Automation Script in Window's Platform. I have seen your scripts here which are for Linux Platform. Can you please help me out with a script that can be deployed in Window's Platform too.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Sandeep Savaram.

    1. Did you get the windows version of the scripts for webcat automation


    2. Hi Sandeep,
      Were you able to complete the presentation catalogue automation script on a Windows platform?

  2. Hi

    I'm using the scrip for our deployment. It's ivin an error when comparing the catalogs.
    The following command always fail. throwing a NO SUCH DIRECTORY error.

    ssh $SERVERHOST "'$WEB_CAT_PARENT_DIR'/catalogmanager/runcat.sh -cmd diff -baseline '$WEB_CAT_PARENT_DIR'/catalog/'$WEB_CAT_NAME' -latest '$PRE_DEPLOY_LOC'/'$WEB_CAT_NAME' -outputFile /home/oracle/webcat/web_cat_diff_$DATE.txt -verbosity detail "

    Please help,

  3. Hi,

    Am new to OBIEE admin, i have reviewed the above script,, but am getting lot of confuse, could you please share if you have any documentation for this and our application is hosted in Linux environment
