Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Scripted RPD deployments using UDML and WLST

Automating the RPD deployment in OBIEE 10g was as simple as doing an SCP of the RPD to the OBIEE server, and then bounce the processes. With OBIEE 11g, RPD deployments are now handled through Weblogic, so we need to take some additional steps. Luckily these can be easily scripted thanks to WLST.

After the jump is a script which can be used to do OBIEE 11g RPD deployments. This script assumes you have setup ssh keys on the various servers so you can login without typing a password (http://www.linuxproblem.org/art_9.html).

Creating a UDML file for OBIEE 11g RPD

The ability to use UDML for scripted OBIEE RPD changes has been around since OBIEE 10g. UDML files are very useful in order to do migrations, as they can contain the connection pool information and any variables which are environment specific. I am currently using UDML within our enivonrments to allow for migration of an RPD from Development through to Produciton.

Take a jump to view the steps to create UDML files for your environments, along with a sample UDML file.